About Me
My name is Denton and I’m a full-time college student in Information Systems Security. I’ve had an interest in programming since I was in junior high when one of my friends showed me Scratch. High school was when I began exploring and really got into content creation online and I fell even more in love with computer science. Before the end of high school I knew I wanted to continue my education but I wasn’t sure in what, my teacher mentioned cybersecurity one day, and that’s what I ultimately decided on in the end. Since starting the program, I’ve learnt a lot, gained so many new skills, met some really amazing people, and everyday I get to practice and work on some of my favourite things.
The reason for this blog is to have somewhere for me to write and share what I’m doing. I want to share my journey while I work through school and anything I get to experience that is tech related; things I’m learning, projects I’m working on, events I attend, and resources I use to practice. Even once I finish school, I want to continue to post here while searching for a job and even once I’m in the industry. I’m going to post my thoughts on events I attend and/or compete in, TryHackMe room walkthroughs, CTF Writeups, things I’ve learnt in the classroom, projects I’ve done for class or on my own, and what I’m learning on my own.
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chloe-denton/
GitHub - https://github.com/cDenton1
TryHackMe - https://tryhackme.com/r/p/cDenton